From the course: Bootstrap 5 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] The display property is one of the more it useful in CSS and bootstrap has a full compliment of options including responsive options. To use a display property, you start off by using the d value and then a hyphen and then one of the different properties. And these are the different options. None of course means a display of none, and then you have inline, inline-block, block, grid, and then a bunch of table options, as well as a couple of flex options. To get to start it, you start by using d and then one of the other options like this. So let's take a look at how they work because they really need to be visualized rather than me just telling you about them. So in here I have the different display properties all in different containers. So you can see that I have a number of different elements right here, and although they are coded with the span tag, which would normally make them inline elements by adding d-block to each one of these, they become a display of block…
