From the course: Azure DevOps for Beginners (2021)

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Boards and sprints

Boards and sprints

- Navigate to the sprints page in Boards and you can see all your sprints. I'll choose my team. Here are some of my sprints. You see an individual sprint here and then you can switch to future sprints by going to this dropdown. Notice that it says sprint 1's the current sprint. These are all my future sprints. And as I moved these items, I have different views of the data that's in the sprint. I can use what's called the backlog view, the task board view, the capacity view, and the analytics view. And I'll click through these. I'm not sure why I'm seeing these but we'll go ahead and step through those. Let's take a look at backlog view. Let's go back to sprint number 1. This shows in the middle, it shows all the backlog items that are in this sprint. And then it shows me all of the sprints on the right side. So I can see sprint 1 is the current sprint, the timeframe for this sprint, how many working days there are,…
