From the course: Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning

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Examining how machines learn

Examining how machines learn

- [Narrator] There are several ways machines learn, they're called techniques. Three common machine learning techniques are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Do you recall in the case study video when I mentioned the term supervised learning? Let's start there. Supervised learning is a technique that trains a machine learning model with labeled data. Labeled data includes known input and output data which teaches the machine to predict future outputs as new data comes in. Our case study to predict the cost of homes in California is a good example. The machine is trained on a data set that contains longitude, latitude, age, total rooms, total bedrooms, population, households, median income, ocean proximity, and the value we want the machine to learn how to predict the cost of the home. The machine studies the labeled data to find patterns and learns how to predict home values. This…
