From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training

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Publishing options

Publishing options

- [Instructor] When you're ready to publish your Storyline 360 project, you're going to find that you have a lot of options. Let's walk through the most popular options and when you might use each. To get to publish from Story View, just select Publish. Publish to Review 360. This is Articulates Review site, a super easy way to share courses and get feedback from stakeholders. Once you start doing reviews on Review 360, I promise you, you won't want to do it any other way. Publish to Web. You choose this option if you're placing your project on a website. Just to note, you won't be able to track learners' results if you place a course on a website. Publish to Video. You might choose this if you want to make a section of your course easily accessible to viewers without the hassle of them going into the LMS. You might also choose this option if you want to share your storyline goodness on social media or YouTube. Publish to Word. This option converts your course into a Word document…
