From the course: Articulate Storyline Essential Training

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Elearning best practices

Elearning best practices

- For good reason, storyline is the leading tool with which to create e-learning. More important, though, than knowing all the details of a tool is knowing the best practices on how to use it. So here are the best practices that will frame the individual movies of the course. Working efficiently. There are a gazillion little steps in creating an e-learning course. So to build rapidly, you've got to work efficiently. Related to working efficiently is leveraging the work of others. It used to be that e-learning developers had to build their own templates and a lot of their own assets. That day has passed. Another best practice that I'll stress is being consistent. A lot of the time, this means templating your work when you can. In most situations, consistency is more important than artistic flare. Creating visual interest will be another best practice of ours. More than a great script or interaction, learners and stakeholders alike are seduced by good-looking visuals. So if you want to…
