From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Understanding POST calls

Understanding POST calls - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Understanding POST calls

- [Presenter] Before we get into the details of testing POST calls, I want to show you how they work. As you know, POST calls are usually used to create new resources on the server. When doing this, we need to tell the server information about what we want to create. This information is usually passed in through the body of the request, but there's a few different ways that we can set up the body of the request. So let's take a look at a couple of them. I'll use the Postman Echo API for this example. It doesn't actually create new resources, but rather, it just echoes back what you sent, so you can get a better understanding of how things work. And on the body tab here, you can see there's a number of different options for body types. There's this form data, the Form URL and coded, binary and raw. These two are very similar. Binary is usually used to upload files. And then this raw option gives us a couple of…
