From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Understanding API terminology

Understanding API terminology - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Understanding API terminology

- [Instructor] As we get into the details of API testing, there's some terminology that'd be good to understand. We'll start with some of these standard actions called verbs that define what you want to do. So, most commonly, these are get, post, put, and delete. Let's take a quick look at each of these in turn. The get action tells a service that you want to retrieve or get some information. So, let's look at executing get request in Postman. I'll create a new request here and I've got an application running on my computer that I made for managing a to-do list. So, for these next couple of examples, we're going to use this application and you won't be able to follow along at home, but don't worry, I'll soon have you doing some hands-on examples with this as well, but for now, you can just watch what I'm doing. So, I'm going to call the tasks endpoint and I'm going to get task one from here. So, you see I've got this verb…
