From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Solution: Access protected endpoints

Solution: Access protected endpoints - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Solution: Access protected endpoints

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I hope you had some fun solving the previous challenge but in case you ran stuck on anything, let's take a look at how I went about solving it. Obviously, this is just going to be my approach and for the sake of this video, I've compressed it down to a simple set of steps. What you did will probably look different and that's totally fine. In fact, it's great. It's all part of the learning process. Okay, so how did I go about solving this? Well, if you remember, we're trying to access the data behind this protected endpoint. In order to do that, we probably need to get a bearer token that has access to this. And since it's for the admin user, we could guess that we need the bearer token for the admin user. But how do we get it? Well, let's just start with a quick check to the list of users to see if it's in the list and we can see that the admin user is here. So now we could go to the…
