From the course: API Testing Foundations

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From the course: API Testing Foundations

Resources to keep learning

- [Dave] API Testing is an important skill for testers to have in the internet connected world in which we work. As we wrap up this time that we've spent together dipping our toes into the waters of API testing, I want to thank you for following along with me in this course. Before we go our separate ways, I want to leave you with a few resources that you can use to continue to learn about API testing. If you're interested in learning more about API testing in general, Katrina Clokie has a great resource on her blog that you might find useful. Now, it's starting to get a bit dated as this was written a number of years ago, but there's still some helpful resources on here. This learning pathway is a great guidance for those that are starting out with API testing. Another resource that I really like for learning API testing is Alan Richardson's, also known as the Evil Tester's, API Challenges. These are a set of…
