From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Performance testing

Performance testing

- [Instructor] When you're interested in performance characteristics of a system, an API can help you get the answers that you're looking for. They can allow you to programmatically access certain functionality of the system and yet include enough of the system to give you kind of a realistic feeling for how it will work in real-life. Performance testing itself is actually a pretty broad term. It can refer to things like speed testing, like looking at how fast a page responds, or it can look at load testing, how many requests per minute a server can handle or how many items a page can deal with. It can also include things like stress testing and other things related to performance. For the purpose of this video, we'll look at two different things that you can do for performance testing with an API. These are just examples, and so don't limit yourself to thinking that these are the only things you can do with performance…
