From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Finding Bearer Tokens

Finding Bearer Tokens - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Finding Bearer Tokens

- [Instructor] You've already seen some examples of how to use tokens in the previous video, but it kind of begs the question, how do you find them in the first place? Where do they come from? The answer to that is, it depends. As with most things in REST APIs, there are no hard and fast rules that every application must follow. There are, however, some general patterns that most applications use. So let's look at some example APIs and see if we can come up with some strategies for finding API tokens. We'll use this GitHub repo, which has a list of many different types of APIs and we're going to look at a few of the ones that use auth. So I'll start with this IUCN list of threatened species. And first of all, you can see that it's got this link here to generate a token. So I'll click on it and it says that I need to fill out a form to apply to get a token. Now, I'm not going to do that right now, but this is a pretty…
