From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Challenge: Break the API

Challenge: Break the API - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Challenge: Break the API

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] You've come a long way and have learned a lot about how APIs work. So now it's time to combine it all together and try and break the API. Part of a tester's job is to find problems with software. And there are plenty of problems with this application, so I want you to dig around and try to find some of them. Put on your destructive tester hat and combine it with all the things that you've learned about APIs and see if you can break this API. So the main kind of thing I'm talking about here is having the API give you back a 500 error. A 500 error means something went wrong and the server has crashed. Feel free to interact with the API through the user interface and through Postman. But don't forget that if you're going through the user interface, you might come across problems that are UI-related and might not have to do with the API itself. Don't worry too much about those. The goal of this…
