From the course: API Testing Foundations

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Challenge: Access protected endpoints

Challenge: Access protected endpoints - Postman Tutorial

From the course: API Testing Foundations

Challenge: Access protected endpoints

(quirky music) - [Instructor] Now that you know how to test the various API endpoints, it's time for another hands-on testing challenge. The to-do application has a protected endpoint here called user/admin. You can see on the Authorization tab that I've got a token specified. And if I send this, it says, "The user cannot access this endpoint." So this token is for user1. And as a reminder, you can get this token using the /token endpoint and putting in the username and password. Your challenge is to see if you can access the data behind the admin endpoint. Presumably, if you want to access that data, you're going to need an admin token. Your challenge is to see if you can get access to the information behind this endpoint. You won't need any advanced security testing skills to solve this challenge. You should be able to access the information using only things that you've already learned in this course. Now, I'll…
