From the course: Agile Development Practices

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Agile programming techniques

Agile programming techniques

- [Narrator] One of the most important aspects of good agile development is including refactoring into your development time as the status quo, rather than something you do when there's free time in the schedule, or worse yet, as an afterthought. Let's look at some considerations for why refactoring should be done at every step of development. It produces more readable code, better architecture and structure naturally evolve, reveals hidden bugs and vulnerabilities, and generally makes your project stronger. If you're new to the idea, don't worry, it's not about getting something working then going for a total retrofit. The idea is more along the lines of small, continuous changes that improve your code base. This way, you have time to test your refactored improvements, right alongside your development. If you leave refactoring to the end of a project, or after big chunks of code have been written, you run the risk of…
