From the course: Affinity Designer Essential Training

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Creating and editing text

Creating and editing text

- [Instructor] Up until now, we've talked about creating shapes and using the pen tool to create objects. Now, I'd like to spend a little time talking about creating text, because what application would be worth its water, when doing design, and you can'T add text, right? So, if we go over to the left hand side, and we select the text tool. The artistic text tool is hidden under here, because that was the tool that's showing right now, was the tool that I last used. It works just like any of the other functions in Affinity. So, let's select the text tool. Click where you'd like to place text, and we're just going to write text. As simple as that. The second way to add text, is to use the frame text tool. So, if we click on the little icon here, and get the little fly out, and we drag a box out, we create a frame text area. Now what usually happens with designers, they end up adding lorem ipsum text or Latin text into a frame, just as a substitute until they actually get the real…
