From the course: Advanced Terraform

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Review deployed resources

Review deployed resources - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Terraform

Review deployed resources

- [Instructor] Let's take a quick look at the resources we just deployed in the GCP console. Open the GCP console in your browser, click on the hamburger in the top left, hover over VPC network and go to VPC networks. This is the VPC that was created when you created your project. The configuration refers to this VPC using the data resource. Select the default VPC and then go to the Firewall tab. Expand the firewall rules. And here we can see the test firewall rule that was created by the configuration. Let's go back to the hamburger icon, and now we can go to Compute Engine and scroll to VM Instances. Here we can see the four VMs that were deployed. Note that the nginx-proxy is the only VM with a public IP. If you like, you can try connecting to one of them by clicking the SSH button here. And that's it. We can see that all the resources defined in our configuration have been successfully deployed. Let's move on so we…
