From the course: Advanced Terraform

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- [David] Congratulations, you've just completed the next chapter in your journey with Terraform. We've covered a lot of ground in this course. Let's review. Terraform is capable of managing complex infrastructure deployments. Configurations are not static. They grow and evolve over time, just like the applications they support. Infrastructure as code is a proven technique for managing infrastructure evolution. We've covered the internals of Terraform including the Terraform CLI, variables, functions, expressions, modules, and remote state. We've demonstrated how to automate Terraform. Infrastructure can and should be developed and deployed using CI/CD pipelines. There are many options for building CI/CD pipelines to work with Terraform, such as Jenkins, GitLab, Cloud Build, and GitHub Actions. Terraform Cloud is a great way to get started applying CI/CD to Terraform configurations. This is the end of the course, but…
