From the course: Advanced Terraform

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Deploying with Terraform Cloud

Deploying with Terraform Cloud - Terraform Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Terraform

Deploying with Terraform Cloud

- [Instructor] Terraform Cloud executes plans and applies in pairs. These are called runs and are executed in the cloud rather than locally on a developer workstation. If you completed the Terraform Cloud setup video, you should have a workspace all ready to go and test it with a speculative plan. Return to that workspace and now select actions. Start new run and leave it at plan and apply. Then click start run. This time the plan and apply will run together. We set up this workspace to require confirmation before apply, so we'll wait for the plan to run here. Our plan is finished. This workspace is now locked so that no other plans can be generated in this workspace until the current plan is deployed. Scroll down and click confirm and apply and confirm plan. The plan will queue and then the apply will run. Once finished, we can view the state here in Terraform Cloud and download it if we need to. I'll return to the GCP…
