From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

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Respecting spaces

Respecting spaces

26, 1, 1. (audio playing) So, I'm here in this garden today with this great video crew. And we're shooting this video on Craft Photography. But there's a couple things to think about when you're shooting in somebody else's space. This isn't my garden, this isn't my video crew's garden. It's a friend of ours. But still, it's a good idea to ask about where you might be shooting when you're in somebody else's home. Think about what they've got in their yard. Obviously, we're in front of this beautiful pond and there's, they've taken care to plant some nice plants, have little trinkets set up. If you're going to be shooting down low, you don't want to crush any flowers. You don't want to hurt their property in any way. So, if you're going to be laying down, maybe bring a blanket. Think about putting something down to protect the area that you're working in, and just be a good guest. You know, if you see a good shot off in the distance but it's not in this area, it's just on the other side…
