From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

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Reading and understanding histograms

Reading and understanding histograms

From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

Reading and understanding histograms

One of the most convenient and helpful tools that you can find to measure your overall tuning range and color range within your crow photography is the histogram. And the histogram is basically just a graph. And this graph is so helpful and so useful. That there's one in Photoshop, Photoshop Elements Lightroom, Camera Raw plugins. There's even histograms on your camera, on your digital SLR and most compact cameras as well. So, when and why should you use a histogram? What does it do? Well on our camera while we're taking a photograph, while we're taking an exposure. We can use a histogram to gauge whether or not we have a proper exposure because it's going to give us the full tonal range. Meaning the darkest darks and the lightest lights and everything in between. And in Photoshop or any of the other image editing software applications, the histogram works in the same way. So I have a few images open here. And I just want to show you, the differences in the tonal range with these…
