From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

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Foundations of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed

Foundations of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed

From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

Foundations of ISO, aperture, and shutter speed

By understanding the foundations of Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed, you'll be prepared for any and every photographic challenge. In this video, I'm going to review these three topics. Now, if you feel like you need a more in depth look at Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO, or if you feel like you need a refresher course perhaps. I would suggest checking out the Beginning Craft Photography course that I recorded, as well as this one. Now, if you think that you've got a good grasp, then that's terrific. I'm just going to move on and just very briefly cover each of these three items that makes up the exposure triangle, and how it reflects on your craft photography. The first example we're looking at right now is an image of some felted heart pins that I created. And the reason I've got this photo up right now is because it's a great example of a photograph with really, really deep depth of field. Now, if we wanted to see a photograph of the exact same scenario with a very shallow depth…
