From the course: Advanced Craft Photography

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Angling for the wow factor

Angling for the wow factor

One of the most common composition techniques is using the Rule of Thirds. And once you know what you're looking for, you're going to see it everywhere. Basically, when you look through your view finder, you're going to, you're going to want to imagine your image being broken up into a grid of thirds. Both horizontally and vertically. So, if you can imagine a grid with nine individual squares, just put your image, your center of focus right on one of the intersections of the grid and make that your focal point. Everything else is less important, and that's the Rule of Thirds. It might sound tricky, but once you take a look at a composition using the Rule of Thirds, I guarantee you're going to see it everywhere. And if you're having a hard time imagining what it might look like, most cameras even these little compacts, have a great little grid that makes it very easy. So, you just hold it right up. Place your subject on the intersection, and snap away. And you get a great composition…
