From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Sharing for social distribution

Sharing for social distribution - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Sharing for social distribution

- Aside from the traditional ability of Animate to both publish and export content, the new quick share option allows us to easily render and publish Animate content to Twitter directly from within Animate. So here we have a little animation. Pretty good. What I want to do is actually share this directly to Twitter. So, you'll notice up top here there's a new icon, quick share and publish. Let's go ahead and click on that. Now, they are going to make this more robust with publish options directly from here, however, this is disabled right now, but the quick social share option is available, and as you can see here, one click social media share, and if I choose that, the only social network that's available for publishing right now is Twitter, but, as noted, more social sharing channels coming soon. So, I've already authenticated my Twitter account through animate, but if you haven't yet at this step, you will see a prompt to authenticate and allow Twitter and animate to talk to one…
