From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Scale and skew for layer parenting

Scale and skew for layer parenting - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Scale and skew for layer parenting

- [Instructor] Layer parenting itself is not new, but the new release of Animate does include extended capabilities for this feature. When making use of layer parenting, we now have the ability to scale and skew parent objects and have these transformations affect their children. So here I've got this little movie clip symbol instance of a monster. Let's double click with the selection tool to enter its internal timeline. Here we can enable layer parenting, show parenting view, and as you can see, he's already been rigged up really nicely. So all these different pieces are connected to one another. If we long press on the parenting view, notice that we're able to choose whether we want to propagate, scale, skew and flip. This is a new feature. And if I disable it, it's going to behave exactly like it used to. So for instance, if I chose his torso here and use the free transform tool to scale, you can see the only thing that's really scaling is the torso. Let's go ahead and undo that…
