From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Camera filters and blend modes

Camera filters and blend modes - Adobe Animate Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Camera filters and blend modes

- [Instructor] In addition to the movement properties of the new camera, are a set of tint and color adjustments that can be applied to the entire project. When we have the Camera tool itself selected from the Tools panel, not only of course, do we get this overlay on our stage, but we also get properties for the camera displayed within in the Properties panel. I'm going to go ahead and collapse the General Properties here, so that we can focus on the different camera properties and color effects. So, we've seen how zoom and rotation can work from the Properties panel, and if we want to reset these, of course, we can set them to 100 and zero. But let's focus now on the Camera Color Effects portion. You'll notice we have Tint and Adjust Color. Let's go ahead and have a look at Tint. You'll notice that Tint itself begins at zero, and we can go ahead and actually increase this all the way to 100, or take it back down all the way to zero. Let's actually set this to mid-way, so like 50…
