From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Actions Wizard

Actions Wizard

- [Instructor] Within older versions of Flash Professional, back in the ActionScript 2.0 days, beginners did not have to write code by hand. As there was a nice little wizard that could easily generate interactions for various elements. This version of Animate CC, reintroduces this idea with the actions wizard for HTML5 canvas documents. So here I have a basic animation. And if I scrub through you can see it's just a little sunrise that's going on here. And I also have a layer for my reset button. And I have a reset movie clip symbol with the instance name of reset me on the stage. So if I want to go ahead and actually allow a user to click that, resetting the entire animation, replaying it for them, what I can do is open up actions panel through window, actions. And from here I could start just writing my code by hand if I knew the proper syntax and structures and so forth, however, if I'm a new user or I'm not familiar with HTML5 canvas and the JavaScript code I need to wire this…
