From the course: Administrative Human Resources

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Exiting employees

Exiting employees

- Whether employees voluntarily resign or you ask them to explore new opportunities elsewhere, exiting employees can be stressful. So let's get into it. Step one, before anyone leaves is to create an exit checklist. Think through the employee exit process and write it down. Collecting ID cards, keys, or laptops might be on there. Along with changing passwords and notifying your benefits providers. There may be state or regulatory requirements as well, so be sure an employment law attorney reviews your checklist before you put it to use. Next, you need an exit interview questionnaire. This gives you the chance to understand strengths and opportunities for improvement in company culture, processes, management styles, and more. You can either conduct interviews or send out a survey. Either way, assure confidentiality and keep the interview or email questionnaire simple and brief. Examples of questions include, "what could be done to make this company a better place to work", or "were you…
