From the course: 30-Minute Resume Refresh

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Step 3: Connect your skills to the job description

Step 3: Connect your skills to the job description

From the course: 30-Minute Resume Refresh

Step 3: Connect your skills to the job description

- We are now at step three. With your five keywords from the last exercise, it's now time to link it to your own experience that you want to highlight on your resume, and we'll do that with an activity. So first I want you to take out a scratch piece of paper, fold it in half horizontally, right in the middle. Grab a pen and draw five horizontal lines across the page. Next, take those five keywords from the last exercise and write each in its own individual box on the left. So using the last JD as an example, I would write website traffic, paid Media, SEO/SEM, marketing analytics, and events. And on the right, I want you to answer the following questions for each keyword. What project did I use this particular skill? What was my specific role in this project? What was the impact from this project? These are the responses that you'll highlight on your resume. And one thing to remember here, these skills and stories do…
