From the course: Windows 10 Essential Training

Learn Windows 10

- [Instructor] Windows 10 is an Operating System. It's the core software on most PC computers. It's the foundation that supports the interface and file storage and the platform for launching and using applications. In a way, you can think of it as the personality of your computer, or the language you use to interact with it. My LinkedIn learning course on Windows 10 will take the big topic of learning Windows 10 and break it into lots of smaller topics to help you get familiar with the ins and outs of the most popular PC Operating System. If you are a novice computer user, this course can get you started with Windows. And if you've used Windows in the past, this course can help you get caught up with the newest version. I'm Nick Brazzi and I invite you to join me in my course as we take a comprehensive tour of the core functions in Windows 10.
