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Redefining In Situ: <i>Art + Live</i>
Creating opportunities for connection is at the heart of the Gallery’s public programmes. However with social distancing measures in place, the Programmes team has had to rethink the ways in which such encounters can be fostered. Vanini Belarmino (Assistant Director, Programmes) and Maria Khoo Joseph (Manager, Programmes) introduce Art + Live, the Gallery’s programmes online. 4 minute read.
Redefining In Situ: <i>Art + Live</i><br><h5>Reflecting New Realities</h5>
In early May, the Gallery piloted its Art + Live series of programmes, shifting offline experiences online. Nurdiana Rahmat, Daryl Yam and Lim Sin Hui from the Programmes team share their experience producing Art + Live’s trio of programmes, technical glitches and all. 5 minute read.
Reflections on <i>A Somatic Series</i> by Vincent Yong
In A Somatic Series by Vincent Yong, participants were encouraged to move freely to reconnect with their bodies and themselves. Daryl Yam (Assistant Manager, Programmes) reflects on his joyful encounter with somatic movement.
4 minute read.

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