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The Agricultural Reports ("Berichte über Landwirtschaft") published by the BMEL can be found here.

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Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

Released as publication

The aim of the Transformation Report is to identify pathways by means of which the agricultural and food systems – which encompass the agriculture, food and forestry sectors – can be aligned with the aforementioned vision and rendered socially just, future-proof and crisis-proof worldwide.

Cover Brochure

We Stand wirth Ukraine - Support and cooperation projects of the Dederal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Released as publication

Germany stands firmly and resolutely by Ukraine’s side. Just one week after the start of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which violated international law, the BMEL and the German food industry facilitated first aid deliveries for the people of Ukraine.

Cover Brochure

International projects on sustainable forest management. Issue 11

Released as publication

This brochure illustrates the BMEL’s international commitment to protecting forests and supporting sustainable forest management.

Cover Project Letter International Projects for Sustainable Forest Management 2024

На стороні України - Проекти підтримки та співпраці Федерального міністерства продовольства та сільськогогосподарства (BMEL)

Released as publication

Німеччина твердо і рішуче стоїть на боці України. Вже через тиждень після початку російської агресії проти України, яка порушила міжнародне право, BMEL разом з німецькою харчовою промисловістю сприяла наданню першої допомоги українському населенню.

Cover Brochure

Research institutes that support the BMEL

Released as publication

This brochure provides an overview of the twelve departmental research institutes that support the Federal Ministry and the particular research priorities they have set. I would like to invite you to learn more about their important work and gain an insight into the multi-faceted scientific landscape.

Cover Brochure

The Bilateral Cooperation Programme of the BMEL

Released as publication

With the Bilateral Cooperation Programme (BKP), my Ministry therefore supports international projects, together with our partner countries, that address important priority topics for a sustainable agri-food sector.

Going peat-free, protecting the climate

Released as publication

Global warming is having a dramatic impact on our ecosystems and our farms. Our future will depend on whether we will be successful in reducing CO2 emissions and sequestering carbon. Peatlands have a central role to play in this regard.

Although covering only three percent of the global land area, …

Cover of the brochure Going peat-free, protecting the climate

Organic Farming in Germany

Released as publication

This brochure is designed to give you an overview of organic farming in Germany and the support provided by our ministry. Because well-informed people can make well-informed decisions.

Cover of the brochure Organic Farming in Germany

The Future of Agriculture - A common agenda

Released as publication

Recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture (ZKL)

Cover Brochure The Future of Agriculture A common agenda

The Future of Agriculture. A common agenda - Abstract

Released as publication

Recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture (ZKL)

Cover Brochure The Future of Agriculture. A common agenda - Abstract

German Forests - Forests for Nature and People

Released as publication

Our forests are true all-round talents. But how can we combine all these requirements, requests and interests on the very same land? How can we make our forests resilient to the devastating consequences of climate change? How can we preserve our forests’ biodiversity? And how can we secure the …

Understanding food safety - Facts and background (Chinese)

Released as publication

In this brochure you will learn about the basis of the food safety system, how food safety control works and what the risks are. The facts, gures and examples contained in this publication reƒect what is necessary to ensure a high level of protection.

Cover Brochure 'Understanding food safety'

Understanding food safety - Facts and background (Russian)

Released as publication

Сегодня нам кажется совершенно естественным, что мы в любой момент можем выбирать продукты питания из разнообразного ассортимента. При этом мы по праву ожидаем, что предлагаемая продукция безопасна и безвредна. За это отвечают производственные и торговые предприятия. Они находятся под строгим …

Cover Brochure 'Understanding food safety'

Understanding food safety - Facts and background

Released as publication

In this brochure you will learn about the basis of the food safety system, how food safety control works and what the risks are. The facts, gures and examples contained in this publication reƒect what is necessary to ensure a high level of protection.

Cover Brochure 'Understanding food safety'

Beans, Peas & Co. - The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture‘s Protein Crop Strategy for promoting the cultivation of pulses in Germany

Released as publication

This brochure is designed to give you information on the Strategy’s background, objectives and measures. It provides you with an overview of what has been achieved since the publication of the Strategy and what the BMEL activities will focus on in the future.

Assuring Food Security – Promoting Growth

Released as publication

The BMEL’s commitment to a modern, sustainable agri-food and forestry sector in Africa.

Understanding Farming - Facts and figures about German farming

Released as publication

This publication is designed to provide readers with a compilation of facts and figures about German farming, allowing them to form their own opinions about farming and farming-related issues. The aim is to promote readers’ understanding by describing modern farming methods without ignoring …

Cover Brochure 'Understanding Farming'

Addressing climate change - Measures to adapt agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture to climate change

Released as publication

Anthropogenic climate change is affecting our world. Time lapses show that it is happening ten times faster than natural climate change. As far as we can see from the existing weather recordings, the last 20 years have been the hottest and driest years. At the same time, heavy rainfalls and floods …

10 golden rules to prevent food waste

Released as publication

This brochure contains tips for everday life and shows how to prevent food waste. Edible food should not be thrown away.

apple logo of the campaign zgfdt