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Özdemir: Europe is working together more closely on forest protection

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European States aim to work together even more closely on forest protection. At the ninth Ministerial Conference of Forest Europe, a pan-European forest policy process at minister level, the 44 Member States and the EU Commission agreed to establish a central advisory facility in order to pool …


Group photo of the conference participants with a view across the Rhine to Bonn

Özdemir: “Building bridges so that everyone across the globe has enough to eat”

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Chaired by Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir, the agriculture ministers from 65 States met at the 16th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference and undertook to continue the necessary transformation towards sustainable and consequently resilient agriculture and food systems. In their final …


Bundesminister Özdemir mit den teilnehmenden Ministerinnen und Ministern der Berliner Agrarministerkonferenz 2024

Strengthening of alternative export routes - Özdemir opens laboratory in Ukraine

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To make it easier to export agricultural products from Ukraine, Federal Minister Cem Özdemir and his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solskyi today opened a laboratory in Ukraine for food safety and veterinary medicine, as well as a phytosanitary laboratory. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture …


Bundesminister Cem Özdemir mit seinem ukrainischen Kollegen Mykola Solskyi

Climate-friendly agriculture: cooperation with New Zealand intensified

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New Zealand and Germany will engage in closer cooperation in the future to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. To this end, Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir and his counterpart from New Zealand, Damien O’Connor, signed a Joint Declaration of Intent. The goal of the partnership …


die neuseeländische und die deutsche Flagge wehen vor blauem Himmel

Özdemir: "Build grain silos instead of sending grain sacks"

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At the invitation of Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir, some 70 Ministers of Agriculture from all over the world along with representatives of more than ten international organisations came together at the 15th Berlin Conference of Agriculture Ministers to discuss how the right to food can be …


Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference 2023

Pathways towards Sustainable Food Systems in Times of Crises

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Under the German Presidency, the G7 Agriculture Ministers met in Stuttgart from 13 to 14 May. Russia’s unprovoked and unjustifiable attack on Ukraine, the repercussions of this attack for Ukraine itself and the impact on global food security were at the centre of the conference.


Picture of the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Hohenheim University

G7 agriculture ministers: Only open markets will provide food security for everyone

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In view of the impact on the global agricultural markets caused by Russia’s unprovoked and unjustifiable attack on Ukraine, the G7 agriculture ministers met today at an extraordinary meeting and agreed on the importance of open markets for cereals and other agricultural products. The aim is to …


Extraordinary Meeting of the G7 Agriculture Ministers

Standing strong against hunger, the climate crisis and the extinction of species by keeping our soils healthy

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14th Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference adopts final communiqué: “Sustainable Land Use: Food Security Starts with the Soil”


Bundesminister Cem Özdemir ist auf einem Bildschirm zu sehen bei einer Rede, eine große LED-Wand im Hintergrund zeigt das GFFA-Logo und viele zugeschaltete Konferenzteilnehmer