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The Agricultural Reports ("Berichte über Landwirtschaft") published by the BMEL can be found here.

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Beans, Peas & Co. - The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture‘s Protein Crop Strategy for promoting the cultivation of pulses in Germany

Released as publication

This brochure is designed to give you information on the Strategy’s background, objectives and measures. It provides you with an overview of what has been achieved since the publication of the Strategy and what the BMEL activities will focus on in the future.

Assuring Food Security – Promoting Growth

Released as publication

The BMEL’s commitment to a modern, sustainable agri-food and forestry sector in Africa.

Understanding Farming - Facts and figures about German farming

Released as publication

This publication is designed to provide readers with a compilation of facts and figures about German farming, allowing them to form their own opinions about farming and farming-related issues. The aim is to promote readers’ understanding by describing modern farming methods without ignoring …

Cover Brochure 'Understanding Farming'

Addressing climate change - Measures to adapt agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture to climate change

Released as publication

Anthropogenic climate change is affecting our world. Time lapses show that it is happening ten times faster than natural climate change. As far as we can see from the existing weather recordings, the last 20 years have been the hottest and driest years. At the same time, heavy rainfalls and floods …

10 golden rules to prevent food waste

Released as publication

This brochure contains tips for everday life and shows how to prevent food waste. Edible food should not be thrown away.

apple logo of the campaign zgfdt

National Bioeconomy Strategy – Summary

Released as publication

The objective of the bioeconomy is to combine economy and ecology to ensure a more sustainable use of resources.In its National Bioeconomy Strategy, the Federal Government lays down the guidelines and objectives for its policy on the bioeconomy and lists measures for their implementation.

Cover National Bioeconomy Strategy - Summary

National Bioeconomy Strategy

Released as publication

The objective of the bioeconomy is to combine economy and ecology to ensure a more sustainable use of resources.In its National Bioeconomy Strategy, the Federal Government lays down the guidelines and objectives for its policy on the bioeconomy and lists measures for their implementation.

Cover National Bioeconomy Strategy - Summary

2035 Arable Farming Strategy - Discussion Paper

Released as publication

With our Arable Farming Strategy we wish to highlight new perspectives: what the future of crop production could look like, how we can facilitate the supply of safe, sufficient and high-quality food, feed and renewable resources from Germany, how we can make arable farming fit for the future. We …