rss.livelink.threads-in-node rss.livelink.threads-in-node Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:16:45 GMT mobile-network 2024-09-12T13:16:45Z Usage Details not populating on My Verizon (again) <P>I had an issue last month (August 2024)&nbsp; with the Usage Details not populating on "My Verizon", only <U>total</U> number of calls and messages. I worked with Verizon Customer Support&nbsp; and it was corrected within a day or so. Fast-forward 30 days and it has happened once again. I haven't been able to see the Message and Call details since last Thursday, September 5, 2024. Looking for assistance. Thank you.</P> Wed, 11 Sep 2024 16:09:22 GMT mjlaverne 2024-09-11T16:09:22Z Cell service issues <P>I see post after post complaining about Verizon’s cell service. &nbsp;I saw them going back as far as 2021 and in all this time Verizon still dodges responsibility and makes it as difficult as possible to communicate with a real person. &nbsp;<BR /><BR /></P> <P>I have supposedly emailed someone in Verizon’s “executive office” but they rarely respond, avoid talking by phone, and dodge the big issue is needed to build additional towers. &nbsp;In the past few years my area has gotten a huge Carvana facility and other business are coming in. &nbsp;Two employees at Verizon told me cell service was not what it should be in my area, but they don’t offer to fix that. &nbsp;They keep trying to blame my phone or blame me. &nbsp;Over and over they have walked me through numerous things I must turn on or off on my phone, which never &nbsp;helps. &nbsp;Remember, they &nbsp;KNOW and ADMITTED my cell service is terrible but the issue is dumped on me. &nbsp;<BR /><BR /></P> <P>I submitted an FCC complaint. &nbsp;It’s informal but it does get Verizon to reach out even if it’s obligatory and fake. &nbsp;I have updated the FCC that Verizon still is not fixing the issue even with complaints. &nbsp;They also have ignored my reported requests to look at my bill since I pay full price for unreliable service. &nbsp;<BR /><BR /></P> <P>If Verizon doesn’t address your complaint satisfactorily, &nbsp;you can apply to lodge a formal complaint. &nbsp;If they agree you have a case, you pay &nbsp;to submit that complaint, but it sounds like the outcome is likely to be &nbsp;more favorable than if you only file an informal complaint. &nbsp;<BR /><BR /></P> <P>Has anyone ever successfully gotten Verizon to fix service in their area? Has anyone got a name and number of a high-up Verizon executive and gotten real help ?&nbsp;</P> Wed, 11 Sep 2024 16:03:06 GMT EGC88 2024-09-11T16:03:06Z Verizon not honoring promotion <P><SPAN>On 6/18/2024 Verizon was running a promotion stating trade in any iPhone any condition and get the Iphone 15 for free.&nbsp; I traded in two Iphones for two lines on my Verizon account, and ordered 2 Iphone 15's as their replacement. When i got my first billing cycle the trade in promotion was not applied to either line, and Verizon was now charging me for the two new Iphone 15's. I contacted Verizon customer support and was told by a representative that it would be corrected, and I would receive the promotional offer as well as credit for the amount paid toward the phones on my next billing cycle. I have now gone through 2 more billing cycles with no promotional credit applied to my account, and Verizon continuing to additionally charge my account for the two Iphone 15's. I called Verizon customer service for each bill that I have received. First I was again told by a Verizon representative that I will get the promotional trade in credit and my account will be credited for the amount they continue to bill me for the Iphone 15's on my next billing cycle. When I told the representative that is what I was told last time and nothing was done the representative replied saying that there is nothing he can do and I have to wait until the next billing cycle for anything to change.&nbsp; I called again on 8/26/2024 after my next billing cycle which again did not have any promotional credit applied and Verizon continued to charge me for the Iphone 15's. At this time it was now over 2 months later and was I told by a representative that they were going to do a credit evaluation and I would receive an email within 3- 5 days. I never heard back from Verizon after that and did not receive any email. I called again on 9/10/2024 as no promotional credits have been applied and I am still getting billed for the Iphone 15's that was offered as free per Verizon's promotion, and additionally my bill increased. Yet&nbsp; again I was told by one of Verizon's representatives that there was nothing he could do and I would have to wait until my next billing cycle to receive the offer and credits to my account. It has now been 3 billing cycles and counting and not promotional offer or credit has been applied to my account at this time, and Verizon&nbsp; continues to charge me for the Iphone 15's and refuses to do anything to correct this error on their end. This seems fraudulent on Verizon's end and several other customers online are experiencing the same thing. It feels like I was tricked into getting 2 new phones that I would have never gotten otherwise, and now Verizon is being shady and wnt honor their own promotion. If this issue is not resolved I will be filing complaints with the FCC and BBB to start.</SPAN></P> Tue, 10 Sep 2024 21:39:44 GMT Aramos2 2024-09-10T21:39:44Z Weird problem <P>So earlier I tried to get a number transferred from straight talk to Verizon. I’m talking to both of the phone carriers together. We was all on the phone. So in the middle of the call the number I’m transferring it disconnected that’s when they called me back from my number saying everything was completed told me to put the Verizon SIM card in the new phone turn off the phone &amp; turn it back on . I did all of that still wasn’t working waited mins &amp; hours still nothing. So I contacted somebody from Verizon asking them what’s wrong &nbsp;now they said it still a problem with porting the number. I told them that I didn’t want to do that anymore since it wasn’t working, I asked can I just &nbsp;get a new number they said yes , I also asked will it mess anything up they told me no! went through all the steps &nbsp;now the phone is activated with the new number, working fine. So im going through everything I see that the phone I ordered( used iPhone 12 Pro Max) can get an upgrade, I’m like how that’s impossible if it isn’t paid off yet. I go to my estimate of next month bill to see if they taking the couple of dollars out for the 12 pro Max &amp; their not . Now I don’t know what to do. Need help. Im currently under a payment agreement with the phones &amp; the phone got delivered September the 6th been checking the status of the transfer it was stuck in one spot !!</P> Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:43:30 GMT Quitta1 2024-09-10T11:43:30Z Verizon sales agent <P>Hi everyone I just switched to Verizon wireless from tmoblle &nbsp;and was a big mistake of my life . T-Mobile u pay what u get no hidden fee , now with Verizon I’m been &nbsp;through a very bat time. first start with the sales agent he lied about my plan price , 2 &nbsp;the &nbsp;first bill outrageous almost $400 from $180 &nbsp;and then my regular bill &nbsp;$240 &nbsp;with &nbsp;gost charges from nowhere&nbsp;</P> Tue, 10 Sep 2024 02:19:24 GMT Pippuzzu 2024-09-10T02:19:24Z Cruise rates <P>Hi,</P><P>I will be going on a cruise soon.&nbsp; I have the Unlimited Welcome plan.&nbsp; I do NOT want to purchase Cruise Daily Pass or any other add-ons.&nbsp; I may occasionally (very sporadically) make/receive a voice call, send/receive texts, or use data.&nbsp; What does Verizon charge for these features while on board the cruise ship while using the cruise ship cell towers?&nbsp; Yes, I understand I may want to purchase the cruise ship's wifi plan, but I still want to consider Verizon's base cruise rates.</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 21:08:15 GMT zzzz8888 2024-09-09T21:08:15Z Cancelling one of two lines on plan <P>I want to cancel one of two lines on my plan.&nbsp; Mine is primary number which I am keeping.&nbsp; What do I do with other phone? There's still a balance owed on it.</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 21:00:17 GMT T7171 2024-09-09T21:00:17Z Old Alltel tower <P>I have an old piece of equipment in m yard from Alltell. It needs to be removed. Who can do that? &nbsp;Thanks</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 19:59:01 GMT genimac 2024-09-09T19:59:01Z Poor Coverage in parts of Hays County TX <P>What options do I have to report poor cell coverage. When the IP looses service which makes Verizon</P><P>the only source of service, their coverage is really bad. Can't text or even make calls!!</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 18:36:05 GMT chopper206 2024-09-09T18:36:05Z Store Lost My Trade In-- Paying for phone full price <P>I am SO DONE.&nbsp;</P><P>At the end of July, myself and the other line on my account went into our local store to complete a phone upgrade. Upon the upgrade, we traded in our iPhone 12's to receive a promotion to get a free iPhone 15. The old phones were cleared of their data in front of us, and they were taken. We left the store that day with our new phones thinking everything was fine.</P><P>Cut to today, where I noticed my phone bill being almost double as to what it should be. I noticed that we were being charged the full price of our iPhone 15s, and reached out to get this corrected. Turns out, the customer representative (that has now been fired) never entered our trade in phones into the system that day that we went into the store, therefore there is no record of them being handed over for the promotion. The new rep at the store today said that there was a drawer full of random phones when she started working, but then someone must have "cleared them out and recycled them", thus leaving me essentially screwed.&nbsp;</P><P>She called customer service in front of us and asked if they could credit my account each month for the price that we were being incorrectly charged for our "new phones", but they said there's high risk of that request being denied without any proof that the phones were actually turned over upon upgrading. I feel like Verizon stole our old phones and now i'm stuck paying double of what I was before. Not sure where to go from here other than filing a complaint with the FCC-- is there a way to get in touch with leadership at Verizon? Surely they should be able to credit my account as this was THEIR mistake. So DONE</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 17:34:14 GMT MeganRO 2024-09-09T17:34:14Z Spending limit decreased <P>Why is my spending limit decreased I’m not trying to buy anything else ? I’ve been a loyal customer 6 years and always paid off 1,000 dollar phones with high interest maybe it’s time to go a different route.</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 15:42:41 GMT Dcockrum1 2024-09-09T15:42:41Z Lafayette TN <P>Many of Verizon customers have been saying they are getting SOS and being beside of towers still calls dropped sounds like robots. &nbsp;Please fix our tower. I believe it’s pointed wrong or something get another tower up like Haysville area. #verizion fix these asap. I’m about done with the service.&nbsp;</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 12:53:13 GMT mommy11 2024-09-09T12:53:13Z Coverage problem <P>I’ve been with Verizon since 2002 because they have historically had the best coverage. It used to work everywhere and my friends would have no service. Not so much now. We have 5 unlimited lines. I travel a lot so I have always had their best option for coverage and every couple years they make a higher level🤬 so for the last 5 years I’ve been frustrated but now ready to change. My phone is completely useless in JFK airport, DFW airport and ORD airport just to name a few places where it would be convenient to have service. I can’t even send a text &nbsp;when it says 5g and has bars. I’ve seen it say 5guw and still have no service. It does work great in downtown PHX as long as your close to the college. What is going on?</P> Mon, 09 Sep 2024 13:38:49 GMT Mjs134 2024-09-09T13:38:49Z Im charged $699 for a phone with a warranty <P>I returned a 2 month old dead phone to Verizon via UPS.&nbsp; &nbsp;So I got a tracking # and a document stating the date and time when the facilty recieved the phone,&nbsp; &nbsp;and the persons name that signed for the delivery.&nbsp; This was June 13 of this year.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P><P>I called to follow up with verizon after my bill was almost $1000.&nbsp; They said they had no record of the phone being returned.&nbsp; I showed the screenshot of the receiving department as well the UPS tracking #.&nbsp; The customer&nbsp; service rep saw that there was an obvious mistake and assurred me it would be taken care of by the next billing cycle.&nbsp; Needlss to say it was not taken care of.</P><P>My wife&nbsp; &nbsp;has called several times, spent around 10 hours on the phone,&nbsp; each time re-telling the story and providing the tracking # and the UPS document showing the recieving information.</P><P>Each phone call ends with the guarantee that the problems will be resolved "within 3 business days."</P><P>Verizon turned off our service, only turning it back on when a payment date was given.&nbsp; We told hem Oct 6.</P><P>They are threatening to cancel our service if we dont pay by October 6,&nbsp; 2024.</P><P>Its September now.&nbsp; We have been given a service ticket.&nbsp; They said it will be taken care of by Tuesday, September 10th.&nbsp; Im quite skeptical.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</P> Sun, 08 Sep 2024 23:42:56 GMT MRobo 2024-09-08T23:42:56Z Can I expect a return email? <P>I got an email on 9/3 telling me that my online bill was ready with an auto pay date of 9/16. &nbsp;The bill includes a $25 charge for a payment return fee due to a problem with auto pay last month. &nbsp;This email doesn't contain any "Do not reply to this email" statement so I replied to it on 9/3 with some questions about the return fee and my reply did not bounce back to me.</P><P>Can I expect a reply? &nbsp;If so, when?</P> Sun, 08 Sep 2024 18:42:06 GMT LarryRoberts17 2024-09-08T18:42:06Z The phone company <P>I have the verizon 5g play plus plan. My bill for 2 lines started at 158 and is now 208 (in a years time) despite me making NO changes. I recently moved from New Mexico to Pennsylvania and Verizon is now USELESS. I have NO data service at my house, when I'm out I'll be lucky if I ever find 5G. Most of the time it say 2-3 bars and 4gLTE.. but even then if I'm playing a game.. it won't load, watching a movie, it says no service. I can't even use the data ! I've had 4 different "experts" try troubleshooting and waste my time. The first "expert" created a ticket then a million "experts" kept messaging me harassing me to do the SAME STUFF. After the last "expert" my ticket was marked "closed" ... no solution. I messaged back and git another "expert" who said he'd look into/create me a new ticket. Haven't heard from anyone since. I was told my the first "expert" that the service in my area hasn't recieved the "enhanced" update due to high traffic.. that's not my fault and verizon is NOT holding their end of the contract. The only "solution" anyone can give me is to upgrade and pay MORE. Please tell me there's a way out of this contract.&nbsp;</P> Sun, 08 Sep 2024 15:53:32 GMT ForrestGreens17 2024-09-08T15:53:32Z Travel Plan Data not working <P>Traveling abroad in Paris, France. I have been abroad since Sept 1st. Had no issues until yesterday Sept 7th. Data stopped working around 4 or 5 pm. The icon that would normally say 5G just shows 5 bars and a small R.</P> Sun, 08 Sep 2024 07:48:37 GMT Mercedesmeow 2024-09-08T07:48:37Z Certain numbers I can't call <P>I can call anyone or text anyone, but when it comes down to a certain number I can only text that person. When I tried to call that certain number it says the number that I am trying to to reach is temporary unavailable. Nothing is wrong with her phone. When she tries to call me it goes straight to my voicemail which I still don't get. Can someone help me</P> Sun, 08 Sep 2024 03:50:46 GMT Br39 2024-09-08T03:50:46Z Extremely slow download speed <P><SPAN>I have an IPhone 15 plus max. &nbsp;</SPAN>My cell phone speed on what is supposed to be 4G but it’s LTE is between .38 to 2.8. mbps. &nbsp;Verizon can’t figure out why it’s so slow and not showing 4G. &nbsp;Congestion can play a part but still should not be that slow. They suggested I upgrade my plan to 5G unlimited ultra and said that would fix the problem because I would get priority over anyone else so I did as they suggested. &nbsp;Still don’t have even 4G on my phone only LTE and the speed is now between 2.43 to 4.44 which is absolutely ridiculous. &nbsp; So I now pay $40 more a month for still extremely slow speed even though I was told upgrading my plan would fix the problem. &nbsp;Well IT HASEN’T FIXED IT!!! &nbsp;</P> Sat, 07 Sep 2024 21:00:47 GMT Pjs33 2024-09-07T21:00:47Z Network extender <P>If I have my own network extender ,do I have to register it ? if so , where is this info hidden ? Thanks&nbsp;</P> Sat, 07 Sep 2024 20:06:22 GMT Keekeeo5 2024-09-07T20:06:22Z