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Kim, James S.; Burkhauser, Mary A.; Relyea, Jackie Eunjung; Gilbert, Joshua B.; Scherer, Ethan; Fitzgerald, Jill; Mosher, Douglas; McIntyre, Joseph – Journal of Educational Psychology, 2023
We developed a sustained content literacy intervention that emphasized building domain and topic knowledge from Grade 1 to Grade 2 and evaluated transfer effects on students' reading comprehension outcomes. The Model of Reading Engagement (MORE) intervention emphasizes thematic lessons that provide an intellectual framework for helping students…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, Grade 1, Grade 2, Literacy Education
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Fitzsimmons, Charles J.; Morehead, Kayla; Thompson, Clarissa A.; Buerke, Morgan; Dunlosky, John – Journal of Experimental Education, 2023
We investigated whether three interventions -- studying incorrect worked examples, studying correct worked examples, or receiving feedback -- improved children's 0-1,000 (Experiment 1) and adults' 1 thousand--1 billion (Experiment 2) number-line estimation precision relative to a no intervention control group. At pretest, participants estimated…
Descriptors: Feedback (Response), Problem Solving, Accuracy, Number Concepts
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Wills, Howard P.; Caldarella, Paul; Williams, Leslie; Fleming, Kandace; Chen, Pei-Yu – Journal of Behavioral Education, 2023
Middle school is a cornerstone for success in high school. However, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement of adolescents often decline as they transition from elementary to middle school, resulting in lower school grades and more challenging behaviors, especially for adolescents with or at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders…
Descriptors: Middle School Students, Classroom Techniques, Student Behavior, Intervention
Lauren E. Decker-Woodrow; Craig A. Mason; Ji-Eun Lee; Jenny Yun-Chen Chan; Adam Sales; Allison Liu; Shihfen Tu – Grantee Submission, 2023
The current study investigated the effectiveness of three distinct educational technologies--two game-based applications (From Here to There and DragonBox 12+) and two modes of online problem sets in ASSISTments (an Immediate Feedback condition and an Active Control condition with no immediate feedback) on Grade 7 students' algebraic knowledge.…
Descriptors: Educational Technology, Algebra, COVID-19, Pandemics
Stein, Brit'ny; Solomon, Benjamin G.; Kitterman, Chase; Enos, Debbie; Banks, Elizabeth; Villanueva, Sierra – Journal of Special Education, 2022
An ever-growing call for the use of evidence-based practice has come up against the logistical hurdles of a lack of resources and expertise, particularly in rural schools that work with historically underserved students. Although integrated learning systems (ILSs)--stable and likely requiring fewer resources than personnel--do not offer a complete…
Descriptors: Rural Schools, Reading Programs, Reading Instruction, Educational Technology
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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MacArthur, Charles A.; Traga Philippakos, Zoi A.; May, Henry; Compello, Jill – Journal of Educational Psychology, 2022
The article presents the results of a randomized experimental study of a writing curriculum for college developmental writing courses based on strategy instruction with self-regulation integrated with practices common in college composition. Students in a full semester course learned strategies for planning and revising based on rhetorical…
Descriptors: Metacognition, Self Efficacy, Grammar, Student Motivation
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Miller, Trey; Daugherty, Lindsay; Martorell, Paco; Gerber, Russell – Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2022
This is the first study to provide experimental evidence of the impact of corequisite remediation for students underprepared in reading and writing. We examine the short-term impacts of three different approaches to corequisite remediation that were implemented at five large urban community colleges in Texas, and we explore whether corequisites…
Descriptors: Required Courses, Remedial Instruction, College English, Community Colleges
Fong, Anthony; Porterfield, Anne; Skjoldhorne, Susann; Hadley, Lucy – WestEd, 2022
This report presents the findings from an independent evaluation conducted by WestEd on the Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC). Funded by an Investing in Innovation (i3) Validation grant, the ERWC is a grade 11 and grade 12 English language arts (ELA) curriculum developed by the California State University. The independent evaluation…
Descriptors: Reading, Writing (Composition), Curriculum Implementation, Grade 11
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Markovitz, Carrie E.; Hernandez, Marc W.; Hedberg, E. C.; Whitmore, Heidi W. – American Educational Research Journal, 2022
This study examines the impacts of two AmeriCorps programs, Minnesota Reading Corps and Wisconsin Reading Corps, where AmeriCorps volunteers provide literacy tutoring to at-risk kindergarten through third-grade (K-3) students utilizing a response-to-intervention framework. This evaluation replicates a prior randomized controlled trial evaluation…
Descriptors: Program Effectiveness, Volunteers, Reading Programs, Elementary School Students
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Starkey, Prentice; Klein, Alice; Clarke, Ben; Baker, Scott; Thomas, Jaime – Educational Research and Evaluation, 2022
A socioeconomic status (SES)-related achievement gap in mathematics emerges prior to school entry, and increases in elementary school. This gap makes implementation of demanding mathematics standards (e.g., the Common Core State Standards) an ongoing challenge. Early educational intervention is a strategy for addressing this challenge. A…
Descriptors: Socioeconomic Influences, Low Income Students, Achievement Gap, Preschool Education
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Abigail M. Gray; Philip M. Sirinides; Ryan E. Fink; A. Brooks Bowden – Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2022
This study examines the efficacy, cost, and implementation of an integrated science and literacy curriculum for kindergarten. The study was conducted in a large urban district and included 1,589 students in 71 classrooms in 21 schools. The research includes a multi-site cluster-randomized controlled trial and mixed-methods cost and implementation…
Descriptors: Kindergarten, Literacy Education, Science Instruction, Integrated Curriculum
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Benjamin K. Master; Heather Schwartz; Fatih Unlu; Jonathan Schweig; Louis T. Mariano; Jessie Coe; Elaine Lin Wang; Brian Phillips; Tiffany Berglund – Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2022
Principals are the second-largest school-based contributor to K-12 students' academic progress. However, there is little research evaluating whether efforts to develop principals' skills improve school effectiveness. We conducted randomized controlled trial studies of the impacts of a professional development program called the Executive…
Descriptors: Principals, Management Development, Skill Development, School Effectiveness
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Erickson, Heidi H.; Mills, Jonathan N.; Wolf, Patrick J. – Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2021
The Louisiana Scholarship Program (LSP) offers publicly funded vouchers to moderate- and low-income students in low-performing public schools to enroll in participating private schools. Established in 2008 as a pilot program in New Orleans, the LSP expanded statewide in 2012. Drawing upon the random lotteries that placed students in LSP schools,…
Descriptors: Scholarships, Student Financial Aid, Program Effectiveness, Academic Achievement
Giani, Matt S.; Martin, Allison – Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2021
Developmental education, in which college students deemed unprepared for college-level coursework enroll in non-credit-bearing courses, is widespread in American higher education. This study evaluates the effect of mobile app courseware on the college outcomes of developmental education students. We used a research design that randomly assigned…
Descriptors: College Students, Developmental Studies Programs, Computer Oriented Programs, Courseware
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Nurshatayeva, Aizat; Page, Lindsay C.; White, Carol C.; Gehlbach, Hunter – Research in Higher Education, 2021
Our field experiment extends prior work on college matriculation by testing the extent to which an artificially intelligent (AI) chatbot's outreach and support to college students (N = 4442) reduced summer melt and improved first-year college enrollment at a 4-year university. Specifically, we investigate which students the intervention proves…
Descriptors: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Mediated Communication, College Freshmen, Enrollment
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