a list of all rooms, recently active rooms first
in 6 days  Happy Hour

Tavern on the Meta

MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF STARS AND BACKLOG! General friendly chit-chat; general discussions about MSE or the wider network also welcome.

 The Fire Department

Where smoke detectors keep us on our heels all day. No chit-chat please, just new reports. Ping one of the metasmoke admins (https://charcoal-se.org/people#admins) in https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/11540/charcoal-hq if you want access to the room/smokey privileges.
3m ago – SmokeDetector
SmokeDetector: 3m ago, 399728 posts (99%)


Where the smoke (from the SmokeDetector) goes
46m ago – rene
Journeyman Geek: 19h ago, 2712 posts (3%)


Trashcan room for messages that don't belong in the Tavern. If it's here, it was probably a problem, and you should stop.
1h ago – rene

Sandbox/Trash Bin/Something

For stuff not fitting in ordinary rooms
1h ago – rene

Jon's Java Jitter Joint

Please ping @JonEricson if you drop by. Office hours start 20 minutes after my first cup of coffee depending on availability. (The programming language named after a hot, caffeinated drink named after an Indonesian island is _always_ off-topic.)
1h ago – rene

JNat's corner

It's the tiny corner of the web where @JNat hangs out. They also hang out elsewhere... but this is where you can be _sure_ to get a hold of 'em ;)
1h ago – rene
Shadow Wizard: 3d ago, 137 posts (45%)

Data Explorer (SEDE)

For discussions related to SEDE queries and anything related to SEDE. Links to FAQ, tutorial, database schema etc.: https://meta.stackexchange.com/tags/data-explorer/info
1h ago – rene
Tim Stone: 1945d ago, 2 posts (0%)

Wizards Den

Place for all wizards to share spells, words, and having fun with our friendly local bots. Non-wizards are also welcome, in exchange for a small token, ping one of the Wizards for details! :D
7h ago – KennyBOT
KennyBOT: 7h ago, 30488 posts (5%)Shadow Wizard: 15h ago, 120712 posts (20%)FOX 9000: 15h ago, 80276 posts (13%)

Zoe's Meta Foxhole

The foxiest chatroom in the network. Occasionally a warzone. Please leave your shoes, guns, and other weaponry at the door. Also available on Discord
3d ago – Martin

 Moderator Election Revamp Working Gro

Discussing the finer points of creating a new moderator election system. Reminder that this room is in gallery mode for all of the network to see
14d ago – Spevacus

Seekrit Book Club (Initially GoT)

WARNING: not spoilers free
9d ago – Mithoron