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Lillie Moffett; Christina Weiland; Meghan P. McCormick; JoAnn Hsueh; Catherine Snow; Jason Sachs – Early Education and Development, 2024
Research Findings: Prior research has demonstrated the importance of young children's executive functioning (EF) skills for their success in schooling and beyond. However, the field lacks an understanding of how children's EF skills manifest in context. In the present study, we relate children's classroom off-task behavior to their EF skills.…
Descriptors: Academic Achievement, Preschool Children, Time on Task, Executive Function
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Cohen, Jefna M. – Learning Professional, 2023
How does one overcome the challenges to finding time for meaningful professional learning? The authors asked seven experts in the field, and these practitioners offer powerful strategies for making better use of educator time. An example from Illinois centers student data in school systems as an essential component of a school's overall commitment…
Descriptors: Time on Task, Faculty Development, Educational Change, Data Use
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Mellott, Joshua A.; Ardoin, Scott P. – Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2023
Duration schedules of reinforcement for continuous behavior abide by several preexisting operant behavioral economic equations for reinforcer cost, otherwise known as price, and consumption. Duration schedules require behaviors to occur for a set duration of time prior to accessing reinforcement, unlike interval schedules that produce…
Descriptors: Elementary School Students, Preferences, Student Attitudes, Scheduling
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Killion, Joellen – Learning Professional, 2023
Time spent on professional learning demonstrates a true priority for teaching and learning because educators' learning is linked to students' learning. When educators learn, students not only achieve greater success, but they also have opportunities to witness adults modeling the value of continuous learning and striving to strengthen their…
Descriptors: Time on Task, Faculty Development, Academic Achievement, Educational Policy
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Jennifer Gore; Brooke Rosser; Felicia Jaremus; Andrew Miller; Jess Harris – Australian Educational Researcher, 2024
It is commonly assumed that experienced teachers are more proficient than beginners. However, evidence supporting this premise is complicated by diverging research traditions and mixed results. We explore the fundamental relationship between years of experience and teaching quality using a comprehensive pedagogical model. Our analysis of 990…
Descriptors: Teacher Effectiveness, Educational Quality, Time on Task, Experienced Teachers
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Sara C. Diaz de Villegas; Claudia L. Dozier; Ky C. Kanaman; Stacha C. Leslie; Marissa E. Kamlowsky – Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2024
In synchronous-reinforcement schedules, the duration of behavior directly controls the duration of reinforcement on a moment-to-moment basis. We replicated and extended Diaz de Villegas et al. (2020) by comparing the effects of synchronous reinforcement with two accumulated-reinforcement schedules for increasing on-task behavior for seven…
Descriptors: Preschool Children, Time on Task, Reinforcement, Time Factors (Learning)
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Jeroen D. Mulder; Kim Luijken; Bas B. L. Penning de Vries; Ellen L. Hamaker – Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
The use of structural equation models for causal inference from panel data is critiqued in the causal inference literature for unnecessarily relying on a large number of parametric assumptions, and alternative methods originating from the potential outcomes framework have been recommended, such as inverse probability weighting (IPW) estimation of…
Descriptors: Structural Equation Models, Time on Task, Time Management, Causal Models
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Liping Guo; Jieyun Li; Zheng Xu; Xiaoling Hu; Chunyan Liu; Xin Xing; Xiuxia Li; Howard White; Kehu Yang – Campbell Systematic Reviews, 2024
Homework is a common activity among K-12 students, and numerous observational meta-analyses have confirmed the positive relationship between homework and academic performance. However, considering children's limited energy and attention, several researchers have proposed an optimum time to spend on homework. This Campbell review examines the…
Descriptors: Homework, Time on Task, Academic Achievement, Elementary Secondary Education
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Davis, Konnor; Iosif, Ana-Maria; Nordahl, Christine Wu; Solomon, Marjorie; Krug, Marie K. – Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2023
We used parent report data to investigate video game playing, aggression, and social impairment in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Parents of autistic adolescents were more likely to report that their child plays video games as a hobby compared to parents of adolescents with typical development and also reported that their children…
Descriptors: Video Games, Aggression, Interpersonal Competence, Adolescents
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Ruggeri, Azzurra; Stanciu, Oana; Pelz, Madeline; Gopnik, Alison; Schulz, Eric – Developmental Science, 2024
What drives children to explore and learn when external rewards are uncertain or absent? Across three studies, we tested whether information gain itself acts as an internal reward and suffices to motivate children's actions. We measured 24-56-month-olds' persistence in a game where they had to search for an object (animal or toy), which they never…
Descriptors: Young Children, Child Behavior, Information Seeking, Persistence
Hess, Frederick M. – Phi Delta Kappan, 2023
Efforts to improve education outcomes often involve lengthening the school day or the school year in hopes that spending more time in school will boost student learning. Yet, as Frederick Hess explains, U.S. students spend as much or more total time in school as their peers in other industrialized nations. What matters more than the amount of time…
Descriptors: School Schedules, Time Factors (Learning), Time on Task, Elementary Secondary Education
Peer reviewed Peer reviewed
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Eyvind Elstad; Hans Harryson; Knut-Andreas Abben Christophersen; Are Turmo – Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 2024
Studies have indicated that the learning results are closely related to how much effort a student puts into the course and how effectively the student works with the learning material. Adequate time-on-task is crucial for student teachers because it allows them to develop their teaching skills, build strong relationships with students, adapt to…
Descriptors: Time on Task, Student Motivation, Teacher Education, Foreign Countries
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Tiphaine Colliot; Jean-Michel Boucheix – Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2024
Background: Previous studies have shown that dynamic illustrations, as compared to their static counterparts, lead to higher achievement levels, especially for hand-based procedures. Other researchers have investigated how the presence of seductive details (i.e., appealing but irrelevant adjunct displays) influences students' interest positively…
Descriptors: Illustrations, Animation, Handicrafts, Elementary School Students
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Daniela Decker; Martin Merkt – Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2024
Background: Virtual reality (VR) offers much potential for learning, but it challenges learners' orientation. Objectives: This paper investigates whether it is possible to use light or movement cues to facilitate orientation in a search task in a desktop-VR environment so that participants can better attend to the learning content presented…
Descriptors: Cues, Educational Technology, Computer Simulation, Light
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Yunus Emre Tütüneken; Yasemin Buran Çirak; Kübra Kardes; Burcu Isikci; Ramazan Binbuga; Emre Çetrefli; Mehmet Sarili; Recep Tayyip Öz – Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 2024
The aim of the study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the timed up & go (TUG) test and the 30-s sit-to-stand (30-s STS) test performed via tele-assessment in ambulatory patients with stroke. Sixty-one patients with chronic stroke were included. For reliability, test-retest and inter-rater reliability were determined. For…
Descriptors: Test Reliability, Test Validity, Telecommunications, Health Services
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